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Over 120 College Teachers & Students Visited HBD to Promote MetalAM Talent Training

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  • Issue Date : 2021-07-13
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Over 120 College Teachers & Students Visited HBD to Promote MetalAM Talent Training

(Summary description)More than 120 teachers and students from the School of Materials of Shanghai University of Engineering Science visited Shanghai Hanbang United 3D Technology Co., Ltd. On July 13, 2021.

The original intention of this event is to closely integrate the urban economic and social development with the construction of higher education. The company's on-site visits will help further strengthen the students' professional practice ability and promote the training of talents in the processing and manufacturing industry.

  • Categories : News
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  • Issue Date : 2021-07-13
  • Views: 0

More than 120 teachers and students from the School of Materials of Shanghai University of Engineering Science visited Shanghai Hanbang United 3D Technology Co., Ltd. On July 13, 2021.

The original intention of this event is to closely integrate the urban economic and social development with the construction of higher education. The company's on-site visits will help further strengthen the students' professional practice ability and promote the training of talents in the processing and manufacturing industry.


Ms. Mon MAO, the general manager of Shanghai Hanbang United 3D Technology Co., Ltd., extended a warm welcome to the arrival of the teachers and students of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, and made comments on the current status of the metal additive manufacturing industry, market applications, industrial development and the advantages of HBD enterprises. A professional introduction was given, and the atmosphere was warm. Ms. Mao said that the company needs a large number of professional and outstanding talents to join the team in the process of rapid development. Expect more professionals to join the manufacturing industry and pay attention to the development of the metal 3D printing industry.

Professor Zhang from Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology hopes that students will have more in-depth thinking on materials, technology, design and other fields through practical activities, combine theory with practice, and solid professional knowledge.

Later, during the visit to the HBD Shanghai Metal Additive Manufacturing Center, HBD AM experts introduced the key technical links of metal 3D printing equipment, process flow, post-processing, etc. to the teachers and students in detail, and were patient with answering the questions raised by the students, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of metal additive manufacturing from different perspectives.


In addition, HBD engineers shared the SLM technology principle and metal 3D printing equipment operation process, helping students improve their knowledge system and enrich practical experience from a technical level. HBD's high standards for every technical link and strict control over process details impressed the students.


HBD always attaches great importance to the cultivation of the "craftsman" spirit, and strives to promote in-depth cooperation with major universities in personnel training, teacher sharing, scientific research, etc., and is committed to the docking of talents and industries, and the linkage of results and applications, so as to create high-quality additive talents. Provide sustainable corporate resource support for the training. As a leading metal 3D printing manufacturer in China, HBD has been involved in the field of metal 3D printing since 2007, focusing on the R&D, production, sales and application technology of metal 3D printing equipment, and is committed to providing customers with high-quality, all-round 3D printing. Technical solutions. With a wealth of market application experience, we can provide various metal 3D printing application solutions for customers in education, teaching and research, molds, aerospace, medical, automotive and other industries.


The visit and inspection at HBD Metal 3D Printer was successfully concluded, and the teachers and students were rewarded!

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Shanghai 201109, China


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